We've Actually Got Your Covered Today

Today's a day we all loathe - sorting through mountains of paperwork and numbers while a ticking countdown looms is a fresh hell. Not to mention the sinking feeling when Uncle Sam says it's time to pay up.

We all know the dangers of carrying around chronic stress like an overstuffed chipotle burrito. That constant state of "oh sh*t" does a number on your physical and mental health over time.

Excessive stress is no bueno with these very physical consequences:

  • Increased inflammation

  • Compromised immunity

  • Sleep disruption

  • High blood pressure

  • Mental health issues

Not ideal for crushing your goals, to say the least. But we've got the antidote to save you from a total meltdown...

But first, we breathe.

De-Stress Like You're Getting Audited

Box Breathing: This dead simple meditative technique can hit the reset button on your frantic mind faster than hitting "undo" in TurboTax.

Yoga: Did you know we literally offer yoga every day between our main gym and the hot movement studio? A consistent yoga practice impacts the way we react to stress, making us more resilient while keeping flexible and fit. See our class schedule here.

Tai Chi: Tame your stress tiger with a class that is shown to benefit your nervous system with mood-regulating hormones every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Recovery Center: Three different modalities that EACH help you heal from the stress put on your mind and body. There's even pure oxygen you can breathe while you're vibing to really decompress.

Massage: Round out your workout with a 10 minute massage in our chair or bed to really unwind. You can add this to your membership to upgrade your chill.

Sauna: Dial down your stress hormone while giving your body a nice warm hug. Studies have shown that regular sauna sessions decrease cortisol in the body.

Make a Routine: We say it all the time, consistency is key, but incorporating wellness into your routine? Now that's a game changer.

Every chance you get to set foot inside the gym is a step for your wellness.

As soon as you hit submit on those taxes, do yourself a favor and treat yourself to one of the amenities we offer, doctor's orders.

Good Vibes Only,

Your West Coast Fitness Family

PS: Did you see this? New prices make self-care more accessible than ever. The chill you need has arrived, so stop by the front desk to see the myriad ways our new tech can get you back to feeling 100.


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Turn Up Your Glow