Your Cells Are Suffering From Seasonal Depression Too

Red Light: Finally, a winter light that's not from Target.

Welcome to winter, where the sun has apparently decided to take a sabbatical and your motivation... might be following suit. Before you commit to hibernation, let's talk about how red light therapy might be your secret weapon against winter's worst attempts.

Red Light: More Than Just Seasonal Decor

While nothing can replace good old-fashioned sunlight (your vitamin D levels would like a word), red light therapy works on a different level entirely. Research shows that red and near-infrared light penetrates skin cells and stimulates mitochondria - your cellular energy factories that are currently as motivated as you are in December. Honestly they could probably use a boost year-round.

Looking Less Like a Winter Ghost: A Scientific Approach
Studies have found that red light therapy significantly improves skin complexion and collagen density. Translation: while winter is trying its best to turn you into a dried-out snowman, red light therapy is working double-time on your glow. The study showed improvements in skin roughness and wrinkle depth - because if anything's going to age you, it should be your relatives' holiday questions about your life choices, not the weather.

Beyond Just Looking Less Tired

Clinical research shows red light therapy can help reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue repair. This is particularly handy when:

  • Your winter workout motivation needs all the help it can get

  • You've somehow injured yourself putting up holiday decorations (we don't judge)

  • Your body's generally protesting against cold weather activities

Banish those Winter Doldrums

A 2018 study found that transcranial red light therapy could potentially help with mood regulation. This research is still in its infancy, but participants reported improvements in their mental outlook - which might come in handy during the season of 4 PM sunsets. We've also got a sun lamp that's free to use right outside the massage room if your mental health could use a pick-me-up. 

Ultimately, we just want you to unlock the best version of you, whatever that looks like for you. We want to see you happy, healthy, and strong, and red light therapy is an excellent tool that can help you with all of the above.

Helping You Get There,
Your West Coast Fitness Family

PS: While Supplies Last Get a One Month Gift Certificate for just $79. That is $26 off our single-month price. There are only 12 of these specially priced gift certificates available. (Custom Priced Gift Certificates also Available)

PPS: No, staring at your holiday lights doesn't count as red light therapy. Nice try though.


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