Give Yourself Some Tongue

Yawn... good morning.

How'd you sleep last night?

We all know that getting a good night's rest is crucial for your health and muscle recovery.

But did you know that your tongue can make your sleep more restful?

Learn how you can flex that mouth muscle all the way to dreamland.

Snoring is a sign that air's not flowing right. But with some exercise, you'll be giving all the right tongue.

Plus, it might inspire you to do some tongue extracurriculars, you never know.

Our own Terri and Jay saw better sleep after just one day.

Here's a breakdown of a couple easy exercises mentioned in that video:

Tongue Stretch

  • Stick out your tongue as far as you can. Try to touch your chin with your tongue while looking at the ceiling. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds and increase the duration gradually. Repeat 5 times.

  • This increases tongue strength.

Tongue Push-Up

  • Stick your tongue upward against the roof of your mouth and press your entire tongue against it. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

  • This helps improve both tongue and soft palate tone and strength

What the heck is mewing?

Drs. John and Mike Mew have been changing the game of orthodontics with posture and tongue exercises called "Mewing".

They say they can straighten your teeth, sculpt your face, and help you breathe through some exercises of their own. 

Apparently it's pretty controversial stuff since there's an A24 documentary about them on Netflix.

They give very clear instructions on how to get started within their custom Mewing app, but they have some warnings in there too, so look out for those.

I'm mewing right now, can you tell? 

FYI this isn't a promo thing, we're just into tongue stuff.

However you decide to get your tongue some exercise, we support ya.

Because better rest means a better you.

Sweet Dreams, Little Nemo, 

Your West Coast Fitness Family

PS: We mentioned the nasty effects of alcohol on your sleep in last week's newsletter, but you know that our recovery center can help you sleep like a baby too? Make sure you're winding down from screens early, and going to bed and waking up on a schedule. Your body will thank you.


Wow, you really did that


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